We open a glass conference room door with etched type that reads “Recherche et développement - Utérus de Tina”. We hear the sounds of an office, (typing, phones ringing and other ambience) as the camera zooms in through the glass door we see a woman writing on a white board in front of a small group of employees. The white board reads “Crampes menstruelles” with several bullets below that read: Malédiction, Abeilles?, Électrodes, and Dix mille couteaux. Immediately off the top of the spot we hear one of the women suggest, CAROL : Et si c’était comme se faire dévorer par un requin?   Another woman’s eyes go wide as if she’s had an epiphany and can barely contain herself. She excitedly says, JOAN: Mais de l’intérieur! She makes a clawing gesture with her hands, bares her teeth and hisses like a cat to emphasize the point. JANET: J’aime ça. Janet returns Joan’s excitement and turns to start writing on the board when an orange Motrin sign begins flashing above the white board accompanied by a continuous alarm sound. BEEEEEP BEEEEEEEP… the women are clearly disappointed by the disruption. We hear a female P.A. voice calmly say: PA: Soulagement imminent. Tout le personnel affecté à la douleur doit évacuer l’utérus de Tina. Carol drops her pen and leans back in her chair clearly annoyed. Joan rolls her eyes and closes her notebook abruptly as the others push away from the table. We transition to the end frame, featuring a super against the white board. The frame also includes a Motrin pack shot and 1 liquid gel. LEGIBLE SUPER: Pour vous assurer que ce produit vous convient, lisez toujours l’étiquette et suivez le mode d’emploi. SUPER: ©Johnson & Johnson Inc. 2018 V/O: Gélules Motrin. Soulagent les douleurs menstruelles, migraineuses et musculaires. SUPER: Soulagent les douleurs menstruelles, migraineuses et musculaires. LEGIBLE SUPER: Soulagent temporairement le mal de tête léger ou modéré associé à la migraine.